The abortion issue is one of the most controversial issues facing this country.  As a consequence, the truth about the abortion issue and the abortion process can get very distorted.  That is because representatives of both sides of the issue have a lot at stake and can sometimes be prone to hyperbole to keep their memberships riled up (and sending contributions).

We would like to use this page to cut through the rhetoric, to address the many questions that arise around the abortion issue.  On a regular basis we will pose those questions and provide our honest and candid answers.   At the same time, we encourage you to ask us questions as well.

20 Responses to “Abortion FAQs”

  1. Linda Cohen Says:

    Abortion is a freedom that all women should have access to.


  2. Famil Says:

    cool blog.



    1. Pat Richards Says:

      Are you referring to the blog on the main page, Famil?


  3. Anthony Says:

    This blog must be the largest collection of stupid Prolife comments I have seen anywhere!


    1. Pat Richards Says:

      We do get our share of kooks, Anthony. On the other hand, we do welcome civil, intelligent discussions on both sides…


    2. Tina Says:

      That’s for sure!


  4. arking Says:

    blogs like this are very helpfull thanks.


    1. Pat Richards Says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Arking. And Happy Valentine’s Day!


  5. HELL Says:

    ABORTION IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Pat Richards Says:

      I am actually starting to feel sorry for you, Mr. Hell. Got a little bit of free time on your hands, do we?


  6. I’m amazed by the quality of your posts.


    1. Pat Richards Says:

      TYB: Thanks so much for your compliment! I try…


  7. Jen Says:

    If I get pregnant,why should I kill my baby?
    Give me some answers.I wanna know why you people are for abortion.


    1. Pat Richards Says:

      Jen, thanks for the question.

      If you get pregnant, it’s up to you to do what you think is the right thing. Just to be clear, we dont think that every baby should be “killed.” Heck, I have two children myself.

      For me, the answer is to promote women’s health. Abortion is a very, very difficult and sad situation. But as history shows, women will always feel a need to have an abortion. When it was illegal in this country, women were having abortions anyway, they went to unqualified doctors or did it themselves, with very serious consequences to their health. When abortion was legalized, it became a much safe but no less sadder situation.

      We know what aboriton is – there is an entity in the woman that is alive and when the abortion is done, that entity is no longer alive. And the woman knows that is what is happening. Sad, difficult, emotional but for many women, necessary….


    2. Nino Says:

      Perhaps the largest quostien is whether gays are made that way, and have any choice in their sexual behavior. Admittedly, our culture tells them to follow their feelings, and hypes any indication of any possible genetic source for the behavior.Trying to figure out if it is a learned behavior or a genetic “defect” pre-assumes that there is something wrong with them, rather than that they are living as God made them. It’s an effective means for those who wish to not accept their fellow man as God made them to neatly avoid doing so— “Sorry, we’re just trying to find out if you’re sick first”.There are also claims, both secular and religious, about people who have altered their sexual preference with outside help. There is no such thing. You can shame someone into suppressing an urge, but you cannot change who or what they are genuinely attracted to. I’m a heterosexual male; There is nothing anyone could say or do that would change my mind about that. Assuming that gay people can be “changed” preassumes that their love is a lesser one than mine, and I think that’s a dangeous road for Christians to travel.Simply put, I suspect the “hate/resist” and the “love/accept” dichotomy is a false dichotomy. No, it’s not. You either believe in accepting your fellow human beings as God made them, or you do not. Jesus was pretty clear on what side of that particular fence he came down on. I notice that the abortion part has been left alone, too….what are your thoughts on that? I believe in a woman’s right to choose. Until there is something inside her that can breathe on its own if exposed to the outside world, then the choice is about her body and what she wishes to do with it. Once that mass inside of her is actually viable as a human being, I believe in protecting it.So I believe in a woman’s right to choose. That does put me at odds with my own church— I’m Catholic too. But what I’ve found is that the Vatican is increasingly out of touch with the wishes of its parishioners on this and many other matters.


  8. Dan Says:

    I Will have to visit again when my course load lets up – nevertheless I am getting your Feed so i could go through your internet site offline. Thanks.


    1. Devin Says:

      Moderate cut down on carbohydrate foods may reulst in the reduction of deep belly fat, even with little or no difference in weight, finds study. When paired with weight loss, consumption of a moderately reduced carbohydrate diet can help achieve a reduction of total body fat, according to principal author Barbara Gower, PhD, a professor of nutrition sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “These changes could help reduce the risk of developing


    2. You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.


  9. Ashley Garza Says:

    You people discuss me and you women should keep your legs closed and stop killing the baby’s . The Lord dose not give you a blessing so you can kill him or she . My you ask for forgiveness and repent to the Lord . And grow up and accept the responsability of having a baby . Theres many people who can’t have kids and your killing the baby’s.


    1. Pat Richards Says:

      That’s a little intense, Ashley. But I do respect your opinion. However, I find your reference to “keeping your legs closed” rather disgusting. Are your legs always closed?


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