Abortion Rights as Defined by Our Legislature

The advocacy of Humanity from the perspective of a Board Certified OBGYN. This is only one perspective of an infinite variety. It is given without claims of infallibility, only with the Humanistic and secular perspective of one who has seen the tragedies of the lack of reproductive freedoms worldwide and the effects that are inevitable in those societies that support the notion that persons are not self determining individuals, and societies that deny the most basic right, that of reproductive freedom.

The goal is lofty, the betterment that is afforded humanity, undeniable. We shall never give up the essence of these essential freedoms. As they are the wellspring and lifeblood of our own Humanity.

40 Responses to “Abortion Humanism”

  1. Thank you for your beautifully written comments. We are fortunate to have individuals like yourself advocating for our rights to control our own bodies.




    1. Terrance Says:

      I really enjoy reading this blog and the posts and comments. Thank you everybody.


      1. Open Says:

        You write so hotsenly about this. Thanks for sharing!


      2. Pascual Says:

        Hi,great blog post. Infos are very usefull and saves me huge amunot of time which I spend on something else instead of searching posts like this Thank you


  2. Andrew Says:

    The most basic right is the right to life. If you were not alive, you have no rights whatsoever. If your mother had “reproductive freedom”, should she have killed you? “Reproductive freedom” is almost always defined as denying the right to life of what science defines as a unique individual of the species homo sapiens. Abortion advocates believe the lie that abortion is a right, requiring one to redefine what a “right” is. The harm done to women, marriages, and society will be felt for many decades.


    1. carrie Says:

      Unborn Babies warning
      This world of mine seems perfect
      no need of tears you supply my every need
      My heart racing – life has begun
      you can not see my face but I am here nonetheless
      I am human, your own son or daughter
      You would love me if only you would give me that chance
      open up your heart mommy and let me live
      You won’t regret it as much as what you now contemplate
      In silence I will die if it is your choice
      for I have not found my voice
      and the laws say it is okay
      but it is my life that is taken away
      A gift from god you turned down
      I fear the end , I sense it is near
      there is no place for me to hide
      down the drain is all that was meant for me
      rejected by the one who should have treasured me
      No burial ground- no Flowers -no monument
      only these few weeks of life in the womb was spent
      soon to be torn away – discarded like yesterdays newspaper
      but can I be forgotten so easily. NO, my death will not go unnoticed entirely
      God is watching!


      1. Terrance Says:

        God supports legal and safe abortion.


        1. Deborah Says:

          Absolute nonsense… since when did women have abortions in the Bible? I read a lot of gunk that pro-aborts use to spiritually justify their murder. Twisted non-sense, with almost everything taken way out of context. So sad really. Those of us who know and recognize the truth will be reunited with our littlest of brothers and sisters in heaven someday. We will rejoice, while the rest watch from below.


          1. Terrance Says:

            God supports Infanticide in the Bible.


            1. ohmy Says:

              Where and what verse!


            2. bloggingfem Says:

              Marie, use your Catholic bible and read, woman.


  3. Hilda Says:

    would you allow a women to have an abortion under any circumstance?

    And Andrew, you certainly cannot believe you can state dogmatically what millions upon millions of individuals who generally do believe in the women’s right to choose abortion all believe? They, like most groups of people have a very wide variety of belief systems, as do people who do not believe abortion is OK.



  4. Andrew Says:

    Abortion proponents always use “what about this, that or the other exception situation” as a basis of their argument, which only leads to every situation where the presence of another human life is considered to be inconvenient to be an exception to them. You MUST address this basic question, which individual beliefs have no relevance to: Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. The inalienable right to life of every innocent human individual is a constitutive element of a civil society and its legislation. The inalienable rights of the person must be recognized and respected by civil society and the political authority. These human rights depend neither on single individuals nor on parents; nor do they represent a concession made by society and the state; they belong to human nature and are inherent in the person by virtue of the creative act from which the person took his origin. Among such fundamental rights one should mention in this regard every human being’s right to life and physical integrity from the moment of conception until death. The moment a positive law deprives a category of human beings of the protection which civil legislation ought to accord them, the state is denying the equality of all before the law. When the state does not place its power at the service of the rights of each citizen, and in particular of the more vulnerable, the very foundations of a state based on law are undermined. . . . As a consequence of the respect and protection which must be ensured for the unborn child from the moment of conception, the law must provide appropriate penal sanctions for every deliberate violation of the child’s rights.

    To fail to acknowledge these truths, any beliefs to the contrary ONLY lead to the rights of some eliminating the rights of others, which does not lead to justice, but rather oppression. ALL hold responsibility for this impact. Hiding behind the excuse “I just don’t believe that” does not change the consequence of how women, families and society are harmed greatly by the position of supporting abortion on demand.


  5. Andrew Says:

    Let me explain in a different way: If one “believes” that all red-headed women, or all bald men, or those with a mole on their left-cheek, or those of a given race, are not human to them, and therefore should be able to get rid of them, are these valid beliefs? Just because someone holds a belief does not, in and of itself, make that belief valid.

    “Dogma” is defined as “a system of principles”. All laws are dogma. Should laws protect human life? Should individual beliefs on whether another human being can be killed or not affect whether such laws are valid? These larger issues need to be addressed first, to establish the basis of laws, then individual situations can be addressed. If the basis is faulty, any other decision is also necessarily faulty.

    I hope to have more conversation with you, Hilda (or anyone else). Thanks for reading my reply.





  7. periwinkle Says:

    I think it would be less humane to bring another child in to this world at this time. It is in fact the end of days, as havoc continues to be wreaked upon our Mother Earth. Why should a soul even have to set foot on this wretched Earth that we are left with. Trying to survive, ourselves, barely making it. Its almost selfish to even want to make a child a part of it, when we can send their souls straigh back to Heaven, anyways!!! Bless All…~*~*~^~*~PeRiWiNkLe~^~*~*~


    1. carrie Says:

      you are quite right it is the times the bible calls criticle and hard to deal with and I can certainly understand not wanting to bring another person into this world but really shouldnt a woman use
      birth control not abortion

      acts 17;28 psalms 139;13-16
      ex 21;22,23


    2. Cynthia Says:

      It’s so hard to know what really hanpeped. She could have elected for an abortion due to medical reasons and be calling it a miscarriage, too, so she doesn’t have to explain herself to everyone. Maybe she’s referring to the d&c as the abortion-the medical community often refers to miscarriages as abortions, too, albeit spontaneous typically


    3. Christmas Cookie Walk at Agape Church of the BrethrenDon’t have time to make homemade cookies or candy for the holidays? Don’t like to bake? Have a last minute get-together and need dessert? We have the solution for YOU! Come to the “Christmas Cookie Walk” at Agape Church of the Brethren, 11610 Lima Rd. (between Carroll and Dupont Roads) on Saturday, December 8, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. We will have many different varieties to tempt your taste buds. Some of the cookies featured will be: holiday cut-outs, buckeyes, peanut butter blossoms, monster cookies, and many more. We will also have a limited number of homemade Chocolate Covered Caramel Apples decorated for Christmas. Mark your calendars and get there early for best selection of these yummy treats at only $6.00/lb. Proceeds will be used for Women’s Fellowship projects and Outreach Ministries.In addition, holiday and gift items, handmade by Agape craftpersons, will be sold. A variety of wooden, quilted, knitted, crocheted, and “crafty” specialties are available with proceeds going to the Agape Women’s Fellowship projects. AND the youth group will be selling HUGE jelly beans as a fund raiser for their activities.Lots will be happening – hope you can join us! For more information call the church office at 260-489-6908.


    4. Charlee Says:

      The limit of obligation will soon be demonstrated in the announcements site. The limit of insurance QuotesChimp obligation for uninsured driver protection is demonstrated in the conditions site just like it’s in the obligation part of the plan. Then, &#3 4;$15,000/$30,000" in the announcements site indicates $15,000 optimum protection per person and also at the most $30,000 complete per coated mishap.


  8. periwinkle Says:

    oh, Joseph, Im so sorry, I posted the wrong comment for you!! OOOOPPPs I profusely apologize….but, I do have a reply for you: you are absolutlely right! Wow, I can’t believe that you are 17 years old and responsible enough to actually say you will fight for your child!! It is very right of you to point out that there are men who WANT their babies!! (and by the way, when u said, “If you dont you think that some men want their babies and women don’t want ’em…” well apparently those peole don’t think.!! But about the contraceptive thing, and about abstinence—you already know now, sweetie, it takes two for that.. if you both did’nt insist on abstininence or a contraceptive then the consensual sex is just as simple as being both consensual and both parties become equally at fault, not the female singlehandedly.You know how it is… it’s the heat of the moment, you could even be in love or at least think you are at the moment… Same deal with me and my pregnating partner, we did’nt use any form of birth control to prevent experiences, not one cotraceptive, na~da….and guys do try to get away with that more than girls do…most girls insist on a condoms, guys dont even ususually carry them, cuz they dont wanna use em, but other than that, theyre are girls like that,, too.. But I do have to call it as a tie!! There are just as many girls nowadays that are starting to lose their minds when it come to the simple decision of whether to use a condom/ other contraceptive and protect ourselves from preganacy and STD’s! Large numbers of sexually active teens and adults do the opposed and possibly become pregant, contract Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and of course the possibility that preganacy is not an option, for one or both of the parties involved. If one of the parties wants to be the parent and raise the child because they feel it is their duty, they should by all means be given that chance. Many young fathers are doing this,now. These are all deeply politcal, social, affilitated with human rights. I feel for you, I hope everything goes well. I do hope that you get your child, because you already have a strong bond with him/her. Keep standing up for what you think is right. Its your heart you are following… Commending you, *~^~*~pErIwInKlE~*~^~* same as you guys…ya i guess i need to get an aboriotn… but i just dont. know!! Im kinds scared…….


    1. Anonymous Says:

      Can an underage teenager consent for sex?
      No, by definition of consent.

      Work on supporting your position.


      1. Katya Says:

        What’s Happening i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I’ve found It aeuolstbly helpful and it has helped me out loads. I hope to contribute & assist other users like its aided me. Good job.


  9. periwinkle Says:

    Ok, my..This one is for Andrew. First of all, a life form which dwells in it’s mother’s womb is, during the first trimester, making rapid changes. IT is multiplying from a multi-celled organism into the reptillian stages of development. It is an embryo, however, not even a fetus yet, and certainly not a baby. A first trimester abortion is statistically safer than childbirth. Some women have health problems. I Know I do- I have degenerative disc disease, hernitated disc, deviated bone, and sciatical nerve damage. And that is just my back. I am also actually mentally ill. I suffer from Post Traumatic War Syndrome, Agoraphobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder,Obssessive Compulsive Disorder, and even rapid cycling Bipolar Disorder 1. It all stems from a very abusive childhood. Except for the back damage, that happened while I worked for The U.S. Air Force Civil Service in the Early Childhood Development Field. I never thought I would be standing up for the choice of abortion. But, now that I’m just not in good enough health to go through a third pregnancy, I am Pro-Choice. Of course I respect your point of veiw as well. see what you think about my viewpont on #7, I accidently posted it under Joseph Standford, but it was for you…


  10. Leslie Says:

    God loves women and trusts them to decide when it’s the right time and when it’s not. It’s our right and responsibility.

    “When a woman wants a child but can’t afford one because she hasn’t the education necessary for a sustainable job, or access to health care, or day care, or adequate food, it is the abysmal priorities of our nation, the lack of social supports, the absence of justice that are the tragedies; the abortion is a blessing!” – Rev Katherine Ragsddale, President, Episcopal Divinity School


  11. Lena Says:

    Leslie, Where in the Bible did Rev. Katherine Ragsddale find that abortion was a blessing? My Bible says “Choose Life” in Deuteronomy chapter 30: verse 19, and it calls death a curse.

    “I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, heeding His voice, and holding fast to Him.”

    As to the begining of her quote the Rev. does not seem to promote a spirit of Faith in God’s Providence to her congregatation.

    Leslie, It is our right and responsibility to not have sex when it’s not the right time to have a child.


    1. Anonymous Says:

      The bible is littered with infanticide.
      Wanna discuss that as an authoritative source?


  12. harriet Poitncasaire Says:

    Great Blog.


  13. Sheilla Says:

    The Abortion comments by prolifers are still so out of touch.

    Abortion is an important issue in this nation.

    Could some pro lifer make ONE sensible comment about Abortion.

    Did a prolifer bible thumper ever respond to that infanticide point?

    Abortion is legal and a right. Abortion Pills are safe.


    1. Elena Carvin Says:

      Why do people against abortion disappear when they are asked the simplest of question?


  14. you would think the humane society would do something about it, but nope, there was nothing they can do. The length of a divorce really depends on how much you both agree on everything, but when you don’t agree on who gets the house, the children, the cars, the money, the insurance, the retirement and even the dogs, your in for a long and costly battle.


    1. Vinny Says:

      What does that have to do with abortion?


  15. HELL Says:

    ABORTION IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  16. Dawson My interest in the topic really began while I was freelancing as a book editor in New York in the mid 80s, when I became intrigued by what was then the emerging new paradigm of alternative medicine. Remember that the interviewer is often conducting many interviewers and really responded to someone thanking them for their time.


    1. Pat Richards Says:

      And this is relevant to our conversation how??


  17. ohmy Says:

    I say, leave the non Christians to their own demise. I’m tired of their logic, rhetoric and other such non-sense. We live on one side of understanding and they live on another. If they want that type of world let them live it. Let them live in that world in which their notion of life is what it is. Everyone woman /man has a choice I agree, but if a person not of faith or other terminates when carrying a fetus in their minds and ours a child then let them have that and we live on one side of the fence and they another.

    Let them carry that same notion into their classrooms, homes, with each other as adults. I would love to see what would transpire in their world!!!! In their world of selfishness, lack of service, killing of life, dellusion mentality of anything goes if it doesn’t bother me mentality, social handouts etc.

    I would sit on the other side shaking my head as they try to beat, mame and bluggen each other after a short while living their lifestyle while trying to get over to our side of the fence.

    Life is life people…a heart beat is a heart beat.


    1. bloggingfem Says:

      All the blather then finally your point? A vacuous comment followed by redundancy? What do you really want to say?


  18. ohmy Says:

    Your comment and “apparent” ability to sum it all up is interesting and despite it all you still ask me what is it that I want to say. Silly is the only word that fits. Take care and find peace.


    1. Shricnite Says:

      At last! Something clear I can unadsrtend. Thanks!


  19. Anne Says:

    Not one logical statement to be found amongst all the overly-emotional statements by the many Anti-Choice/Forced Birth supporters who were compelled to post here.

    I am never surprised at the stubborn stupidity and lack of scientific rationality coming from these folks. It is very disappointing that none of them offer any intelligent dialog about their political position on the issue of LEGAL abortions.


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